Monday, December 4, 2006

Our Journey to Annie

Hello Family and Friends,

Welcome to our new blog! I decided this was a cool new way to share with everyone, our journey to Annie.

As most of you who know us are aware, we received the referral of our daughter, Anne Min Mei, from China, on Friday December 1st! We promptly sent back our acceptance letter and now await our travel approval. Once we have the travel approval, our adoption agency can request an appointment at the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou. Then they will back that date about a week or so, and tell us when to arrive in Kunming, Yunnan Province. We hope to be traveling in January - maybe be there for my birthday on the 10th? I can't think of a nicer birthday gift!

We are so looking forward to showing Emma where her life began. She is very excited, albeit a little apprehensive at times, about becoming a big sister to Annie. I'm sure once this waiting game is finally over and reality strikes, she will fall right into her new position, and take over the role very quickly :)

I'm putting together a little photo album to send to her along with a couple of small toys, and something to share with her friends at the orphanage. I've been trying to locate a picture of the orphanage so we can see where she is waiting so patiently for us. I am contacting someone at Emma's orphanage in Gejiu to see if he has any information on the SWI Jianshui and the best tips for sending the care package, since Gejiu and Jianshui are very close to one another.

I'll be updating the blog every so often, so come on back and visit anytime. Your encouraging comments are always welcome!

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